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K. Fitzgerald, Castleisland, Co. Kerry, Eire.

K. Fitzgerald, Castleisland, Co. Kerry, Eire.


‘Hugo has been fed Husse Prima Plus since he was 8 weeks old. A Great Dane needs careful and specific nutrition and as Hugo is a showdog it is important that he always looks and feels his best. I have found Husse to be ideal. Hugo has won A Best Puppy in Show and many many Best Puppy in Breed and Best Working Puppy titles, a sure indication that Husse is a top quality food.’

C. Murphy

C. Murphy


Since starting my Irish Red Setters on Husse dog food their coats and digestive systems have improved beyond belief!! I also have a German Shepherd pup of 8 months with a beautiful glossy coat. Dogs staying at my Boarding Kennels are also fed Husse and cleaning out pens is quick and easy with the improved results of the Husse Pro. diet. My last litter of setter pups all started with Husse puppy food!! Did I mention that my cats also eat Husse dry cat food??

A. Renaud

A. Renaud


Almost three weeks ago we got a rescue border collie cross puppy. She had been in very rough shape when she went into foster care - bad flea infestation, worms, bald patches and dry brittle fur. When we got her after 4 weeks in foster science diet she still had dry fur and a sparse coat and very flaky skin, though the bald patches had mostly filled in. Within the first week that we had her and started her gradually on Husse Valp her fur started to thicken and become soft and shiny. She now has a soft thick glossy coat and loads of energy and no more flaky skin. I am very impressed with this food. Over the years of having dogs this is the best commercial dog food we have seen ....

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